Application Of Differential Equations In Spherical Space

Application of differential equations in spherical space has been approved in this paper.


Application of differential equations in spherical space has been approved in this paper.

Regarding the importance of differential equations in mathematical mechanics , a reasonable relation is felt to be presented in order to design and optimize dynamic systems( dynamic mechanics) and all relevant subsets.

This paper tries to establish the relation in question in the simplest possible state.


In dynamic mechanics , the issue of movement relevant to a moving object is discussed and proved , and the dynamic mechanics subset is based on differential equations.


Regarding the method presented in mathematical , mechanics it can be used to apply differential equations in aerospace science , CNC machine , space ships central control , radars , etc.


In the presented method, it can be concluded that any kind of 1st order differential equations can be applied.


Elements of Partial Differential Equations, Ian N. Sneddon


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